The record layout, codes and descriptions used in the file can be found in Chapter 12D-8 of the following: 12D-8 Data Fields (aka DR-592) ** The following layout is for the fixed-length versions of the DR590. The CSV version will follow the same column structure. 01 FTP-RECORD. 05 FTP-COUNTY PIC XX. 05 FTP-ACCT-NUM. 10 FTP-ACCT PIC X(9). 10 FILLER PIC X(6). 05 FTP-AREA PIC X(4). 05 FTP-ROLL PIC X. 05 FTP-YR PIC 9999. 05 FTP-CLASS PIC 9(6). 05 FTP-EQUIP PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-LHOLD PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-PCD-JUST PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-TOT-VAL PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-EXEM-VAL PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-TAXABLE PIC 9(10). 05 FTP-PEN PIC 99. 05 FTP-BUS-NAME PIC X(30). 05 FTP-BUS-MAIL PIC X(30). 05 FTP-CITY PIC X(30). 05 FTP-STATE PIC X(02). 05 FTP-ZIP PIC X(05). 05 FTP-BUS-AD1 PIC X(30). 05 FTP-BUS-AD2 PIC X(30). 05 FTP-BUS-ZIP PIC X(05). 05 FTP-FILLER PIC X(2). 05 FTP-ALT-KEY PIC X(06). 05 FTP-EXEMS PIC X(20). 05 FILLER REDEFINES FTP-EXEMS OCCURS 2 TIMES. 10 FTP-EXEM-TYPE PIC X. 10 FTP-EXEM-AMOUNT PIC 9(9). 05 FTP-PG-LN PIC 9(8).